Saturday, October 13, 2012

4 Blogging Tips for Powerful Digital Insurance Marketing | Business ...

blogging Blogging can be a daunting prospect for anyone. Even people with writing experience can feel uncomfortable when sat in front of a keyboard and a blank page. So it can be tough for insurance agent to do the same. Even though you write documents, speak to big groups of people and give advice all day, every day. It can be hard to imagine doing it for a website.

However blogging is an incredibly powerful online marketing tool. It can help build trust, draw traffic to your site and even generate leads. If you want to be successful at digital insurance marketing, you need to blog. Do feel uneasy about the idea of blogging? Or do you think you don?t know what to write about or how to structure it? Don?t worry; we?re here to help.

Keep it Simple

The most important thing in blogging is to keep it simple. There are often many different facets to insurance issues, and it?s natural to want to cover them all. But that can lead to over long or overly technical blogs; neither of which are likely to draw readers. When people read blogs, they?re not looking for all the answers. They want to read something interesting that improves their understanding, not a technical manual.

If you?re writing about a particular coverage type or policy, it?s okay to use broad terms. Obviously you need to keep the information factually correct, but you should keep complex details to a minimum. Don?t try to over explain, use metaphors and basic real world examples. Digital insurance marketing is about connecting with people. Going back over minor details to ensure you?ve covered everything will only scare them away.

Use Lists, Tips and Sections

The ultimate target of you digital insurance marketing should be to make insurance appear more approachable. Your blog should look approachable too. Break things down into bite size pieces of text, rather than writing in a single block. The most successful blogs are ?how to?s and lists, you should keep that in mind when you structure your blog posts.

This can also help in idea generation. If you want to blog about risk management for example, you?ll have encountered risk management mistakes clients have made in the past. A list of those is an ideal starting point for a blog. Write the list out in one-line descriptions first, and then fill in the blanks. Those blogs practically write themselves.

Break Down Jargon

People are very wary of insurance terms they don?t understand. This provides two great tips to keep in mind when you?re planning a blog post. Firstly, avoid unnecessary jargon if you can. Just because you know what deductibles are, doesn?t mean your clients do. If there?s a more mainstream term, use it.

Secondly, you can use people?s wariness of insurance jargon to your advantage. Digital insurance marketing material that makes insurance less daunting is what you should strive for. So a blog that simply explains complex insurance details can be quite successful.

Give Advice

As an insurance agent, you spend a lot of your day giving advice to clients. You advise them on risk management procedures on policy changes and even on business practice. For the majority of this advice, you get no financial compensation whatsoever. There?s no reason your digital insurance marketing content can?t do the same thing.

When people do online research, they?re really looking for help. If they get that help from you, they?re likely to come back to you for more advice. It?s important you don?t hold back on advice because you feel you?re giving it away for free. The value of good advice goes way beyond the commission you earn on a new insurance policy. Good advice builds trust and helps you stand out in the marketplace. The more helpful you are for free, the more trustworthy you appear as an agent.

Good digital insurance marketing should boost your reputation. It should cut through the old insurance stereotypes and make prospects want to work with you. A good blog can do all of that. These tips should get you on the right track to creating that powerful blog. The only thing left to do is start.


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