Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Germany 2012 income tax expects $37.5 billion last year

 income tax expects

income tax expects

Germany 2012 income tax expects $37.5 billion last year The Finance Ministry said Wednesday that overall tax revenue this year is now expected to total ?602.4 billion. The latest estimate is up from the ?596.5 billion forecast in May.

Robust growth and low unemployment have helped swell the tax coffers in Europe biggest economy and keep its public finances healthy.

Government spending is expected to stay almost flat. Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has said the government will come close to balancing its budget next year.

Germany has been working toward a target of fully balancing its budget in 2016.


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Education as Mimesis ? Matthew Kruger-Ross

Education as Mimesis

For EDUC 901
29 October 2012

It is the third or fourth session of Stephen?s Curriculum Studies colloquium and I experience the sensation of stepping outside my body to watch and listen to myself share a particular insight I?ve pulled from the reading and current discussion to my prior experience. As I approach a phrase I mean to use ironically, I raise my hands to insert air quotes and my mouth forms to produce a distinct clicking noise. Time stops. My peers and Stephen stare at me. I?ve just imitated Kieran and I acknowledge as such as an aside and the room erupts in laughter. Where did this come from? I did not do it consciously; it just happened.


The goal in the next few pages is to explore the relationship between mimesis and education. Mimetics ? mimesis, imitation, mimicry ? is largely absent from educational conversations (excluding the ones included below, of course). I have hunches as to the reasons for why mimesis has fallen out of favor and plan to weave them through an analysis of perspectives on mimetics. The question that elicited this analysis originally concerned the virtues and ethics of mimesis in education, but it is the pragmatic that demands a shift in the question to an understanding of mimesis in the practice of pedagogy. Put bluntly, we (as participants in educational endeavors) are already always engage in mimesis ? so why not understand just what we are doing?

Personal and Current Contexts

We all would like to think that we are our own person, independent of any one else. We are told from birth (and as adults in every diversity training program) that we are unique. Pluralism at its best is the simultaneous acknowledgement and celebration of multiple perspectives. Plato?s critique of the poets in The Republic, Itard?s work with socializing Victor, and Locke?s focus on the virtuous gentleman calls these everyday presuppositions into question. How does mimesis occur in the everyday life of a school and, more broadly, in teaching and learning? As easy as it would be to ignore and explain away the phenomenon, something is left undone by not exploring it further.

At present Western culture is obsessed with owning and possessing ideas in the same way as owning cars, houses, and cell phones. In the age of digital technologies and global communication capabilities, is it possible ? is it realistic ? to attribute and own ideas? This begins a (dangerous) change of pace: Where does ownership lie when a student learns (absorbs) another?s idea? (e.g. from Plato, Locke, etc.). In due time I will call upon the ideas of others and reference their contributions to understandings of mimesis. Are they my ideas? Or are they simply the other writers that I cite? Is it a combination? Copyright law and traditional conceptualizations of who owns what have been transformed by the revolution in digital communications. Plagiarism is a damning offense in academia; you must cite and footnote and when in doubt, cite and footnote again.

Returning to how imitation and mimesis occurs within the realm of ideas and educational life, consider teacher identity. Is a teacher truly an innovative educator or are they imitating practices that have been deemed as good teaching? Considering content and curricula; Whose knowledge is being passed on to children (or constructed in children?s minds depending on your philosophical bent)? In what ways are teachers role models for students insomuch as we expect that student will embody the teacher?s own behavior and beliefs? How do students influence each other in their learning? Influence and model are concepts that attempt to name mimesis but lack a full expression of the phenomenon. Donald?s (1991) framework of mimetic culture will be helpful in moving forward.

Mimetic Culture

Merlin Donald in his book Origins of the Modern Mind (1991) presents a theory of human cognitive development grounded in evolution that offers an interesting perspective on mimesis in the generation of human culture. Put extremely simply, over time man evolved through cultural frameworks that involved the integration of specific cognitive tools that assisted in the development of humans. Beginning with primates, the first humans existed in an Episodic Culture, transitioned to a Mimetic Culture, then to a Mythic Culture, and finally to the External Symbolic Storage and Theoretic Culture. Donald argues that the Mimetic Culture was the critical mediator between the transition from ape to human (p. 162). Instead of relying solely on episodic memory (the core of the Episodic Culture), hominids in the Mimetic Culture transitioned into interactions and relationships based on intentional mimetic representation. ?Mimesis rests on the ability to produce conscious, self-initiated, representational acts that are intentional but not linguistic? (Donald, 1991, p. 168, emphasis added). Within this developmental model of cognition, language does not appear until the Mythic cultural stage.

Mimetic representation operates in multiple modalities and includes gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice. Donald?s framework posits that mimesis was key for the development of social groups, norms, and, ultimately, ?the first truly human culture? (1991, p. 193). The obvious lack of language in mimetic culture is intriguing. Without words and grammar, mimetic representation allowed for the development of tools, games, play, dance and other rituals that over time developed into the foundations of social structure. Mimesis remains central even to modern cultures: ?No matter how evolved our oral-linguistic culture, and no matter how sophisticated the rich varieties of symbolic material surrounding us, mimetic scenarios still form the expressive heart of human social interchange? (Donald, 1991, p. 189). From the perspective offered by this developmental model for human cognition, mimetic representation is not only integral to human culture but it is impossible to ignore.

Donald?s developmental framework situates mimesis as ?the most basic medium of human communication? (p. 188). Adopting this presupposition, we move to Plato, Itard, and Locke?s treatment of mimetics concerning teaching and learning.

Mimesis in Education: Plato, Itard, Locke

Plato tackles mimesis in Books III and X in The Republic. Mimetic representation of the epic poets, and in particular Homer, is Plato?s target. He creates a distinction between the (1) simple narrative and (2) mimesis in the sharing of a poet?s story. Simple narrative is appropriate and acceptable while mimetic poetry is forbidden. In the oral presentation of the poem a poet is not to imitate or embody the personae of the character who is speaking or acting. Imitation is dangerous for the listeners and for the virtuous man/city. Plato does not necessarily argue for the banishment of the oral tradition, but a severe censorship. If humans are to have a mind then their charge in life is to learn to think for himself and identify what is true about the world as it is, not trusting mere imitations of the world. Plato?s critique of the need for the philosopher-kings? censorship of the poets situates the value and nature of art in human culture. With an eye to education, Plato would be wary of mimetic representation on the part of the teacher. Simple truths may be acceptable, but imitating another would be too risky for the greater good.

Itard?s Wild Boy of Aveyron offers a direct educational implementation of mimetic representation and mimetic theory, approach that is enacted to this day in Montessori schools (Ross, 2012). Itard takes Victor into his care and attempts to assimilate him into human society. While Victor is spoken at/to during his training it is presupposed that he cannot engage linguistically. The communication between Itard and Madame Gu?rin to Victor is based in imitating gestures and bodily movements. Considering Plato?s argument that humans should not be imitating truth but rather focused on identifying truth in and of itself, Victor?s mimetic behavior would suggest a certain emptiness, a going-through-the-motions without meaning or understanding. The features of mimetic culture that Donald (1991) suggests are demonstrate in the film. Victor communicates his needs and desires via bodily gestures and vocal grunting. What remains questionable is where mimetic representation transitions into learning and embodied knowing. Is Victor acting out meaningless (for him) actions as he is ?taught? his alphabet? Within the lens of Donald?s mimetic culture, would Victor have been able to absorb and transition more quickly? More efficiently? Can Donald?s developmental theory even be applied in this way?

Locke?s model for an ideal education, beyond the body, virtue, and academic curriculum, frames educational encounters as a series of conversations between the student and other learned, virtuous gentlemen. Connecting the mimetic cultures of the past, Donald (1991) threads mimetic culture to the present by referencing the Vygotskian pedagogy. Specifically, Vygotsky?s zone of proximal development (ZPD) is presented as a modern mimetically-based tool for teaching and learning. The types of conversations proposed by Locke seem to suggest the context of Vygotsky?s ZPD; communication cannot be too difficult or too simple but just right to encourage learning. In the modern day classroom this continues to evolve in the heterogeneous groupings minds so that the smarter will rub off on the not-as-smart. The result, in theory, is for the not-as smart minds to imitate the smarter and thereby becoming smarter. The conclusion is commonsensical and is, essentially, Locke?s argument that to educate a virtuous gentleman he must be surrounded by other virtuous individuals. Is this all that bad?

Concluding Thoughts and So what?

Kemp (2006) attempts the salvation of mimesis in education by approaching the phenomenon tangentially via hermeneutics. While mimesis has been pushed to the edge of pedagogy (Kemp describes it as repressed), understanding the teacher-student relationship is impossible without it. In education we traditionally focus on the formation of students. Drawing on Paul Ric?ur?s theory of narrative, Kemp reconnects mimesis to education:

We form and teach ourselves the moment we appropriate stories and ideas?which is a re-figuration. This is the actual mimesis, the creative representation (the putting forth) of a ?hermeneutic identity? ? We can only retrieve the narrative?s meaning because we already are familiar with the meaning given by the everyday world in which we live and in relation to which we understand the meaning of actions, goals, means, success, defeat and so forth. (Kemp, 2006, pp. 175-176)

Kemp references Aristotle?s critique of Plato?s denunciation of the poets in The Republic in ultimately framing all of culture as series of mimetic acts. Education, however, continues to resist mimesis: ?Today the position is that we in no way mimic anything in the process of learning? (Kemp, 2006, 177). This is not the case in other contexts; athletes imitate their coaches, musicians imitate their tutors, and craftspeople work as apprentices to masters. While a full exploration of the roots of the falling out of favor of imitation within the teacher-student relationship is beyond the scope of this analysis, the separation between pedagogy and mimesis begins with Plato and Aristotle and continues through time into neoclassicism, romanticism, and protestantism.

Returning again to Donald?s (1991) distinction of mimesis as intentional representation, it is clearer that an additional distinction needs to be made ? the phenomenon of unintentional imitation or pre-consciousness mimesis. Locke?s conceptualization of the education of a virtuous gentlemen relies on covert imitation. Itard?s work with Victor was focused, transparent, and intentional mimesis. But what of unintentional mimetic representation? In what ways are educators and students acting out (unconsciously imitating) particular ways of being that are not their own? Or are these imitations their own? Even with the distinction of intentional and unintentional imitation, does an escape route exist?

?Mimesis must be understood as a productive imitation that enters into all individual formation and education? (Kemp, 2006, 183). The question is not whether education should acknowledge imitation as a tool for teaching and learning but rather how mimesis should be integrated into the pedagogical context.

The teacher is the representative of the historical community. The teacher, highly?critical or not, is the intermediary of traditions, for even critiques must be based on premises and conceptions of man in order to be sound. Consequently, the teacher has something to offer the student, something to be imitated; the teacher cannot merely be the occasion that spurs the student to bring out truths hidden inside. The best teacher is the one who can make his or her student autonomous. Mimesis must be a creative imitation, and that naturally can only happen if the student appreciates the teacher?even when considering a particular teacher as the best teacher for him or herself. The teacher forms the student, but the student forms him or herself through the choice of teacher he or she wants to follow as the master. (Kemp, 2006, 183)

Creative mimesis is the term used to reframe imitation within pedagogy. There is an expectation that the student (apprentice) will imitate the actions and behaviours of the master and ultimately move just beyond the skill and creativity of the master. If mimetic representation is conscious, if it is distinguishable, something can be done with it. What needs attention is not a resolving or diminishing, but an acknowledging and embodying.


Donald, Merlin (1991). Origins of the modern mind. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Itard, J.M.G. The Wild Boy of Aveyron.

Kemp, P. (2006). Mimesis in Educational Hermeneutics. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 38(2), 171?184. doi:10.1111/j.1469-5812.2006.00186.x

Locke, John. Some Thoughts concerning Education. Hackett Pub Co Inc ISBN: 0872203344

Plato, The Republic. Dover. ISBN: 0486411214

Ross, S. (2012). The Montessori Method: The Development of a Healthy Pattern of Desire in Early Childhood. Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture, 19(1), 87?122. doi:10.1353/ctn.2012.0004

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There is a reason why blogs like Adrian?s are important. ?If you want to achieve high net worth, you need to start adopting the mentality and behaviors of those who do have high networth. ?This blog is a great opportunity to get started on that path.





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New study to examine ecological tipping points in hopes of preventing them

New study to examine ecological tipping points in hopes of preventing them [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Oct-2012
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Contact: Shelly Leachman
University of California - Santa Barbara

(Santa Barbara, Calif.) Predation by otters keeps urchin populations in check, allowing kelp a favorite food of urchins to flourish. But what if otters were harvested to near extinction for their fur? The resulting overabundance of urchins would decimate the kelp forest, leaving little food or shelter for fish and invertebrates. And so it may go, as declines in these species are likely to affect others.

Such is the potential trickle-down effect on the food chain of even subtle shifts in a single species tipping points that can induce wholesale, sometimes irreversible change to entire ecosystems. Examples of these ecological thresholds and unintended consequences are many the otter-urchin scenario occurred in Alaska and California but solutions are few. Some UC Santa Barbara researchers hope to change that.

A new project of scientists at UCSB's National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) and partners aims to synthesize existing research on tipping points in marine ecosystems and conduct case studies to devise a set of early warning indicators and management tools that may help to predict, even prevent, threatened systems from falling off the precipice.

"We know that thresholds in marine ecosystems can lead to rapid changes in their ability to support activities and services that people value, but we seldom have information about how human actions are affecting these things and how close we might be to those tipping points," said Carrie Kappel, associate project scientist and lead principal investigator (PI) on the study.

The NCEAS team of Kappel and co-PIs Ben Halpern and Kimberly Selkoe with partners at Stanford's Center for Ocean Solutions, the Environmental Defense Fund, and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have been awarded $3.1 million from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for the soon-to-launch study, "Ecosystem Thresholds and Indicators for Marine Spatial Planning."

"This is an ambitious project that addresses really critical issues in natural resource management and protecting and managing our oceans effectively," said Halpern, director of UCSB's Center for Marine Assessment and Planning. "We're looking at how natural ecosystems respond to changes in human pressure, or to climate change, and what the effects are on the human community. I think people sometimes forget that we are managing these systems not just for the sake of creating bureaucracy and regulations. We have an interest in keeping ecosystems healthy and sustainable not just for nature's sake, but because we, as humans, fundamentally value and depend upon them."

Among the core focuses of the four-year project is identifying advance indicators of threshold shifts, which could include water quality, an abundance or lack of certain species, and even rates of disease, according to co-PI Selkoe, a marine ecologist and NCEAS associate scientist. Ascertaining such early warning signals, she said, will improve the monitoring capabilities of ecosystem managers and potentially enable them to prevent threshold shifts or at least be better prepared.

"We may or may not be able to really know how fast we're approaching a threshold shift, but if managers are conscious of these shifts they can be more prepared and cognizant of the possibilities," Selkoe explained. "There may be a lot of cases of climate change combined with ocean cycle changes that nothing people can do will prevent. There's a lot beyond our control, which probably means we need to manage more conservatively. The marine resource management world is moving toward these strategies, toward incorporating big picture thinking and comprehensive approaches that will require coordination across sectors managers need more tools to operate at that scale."

While the first phase of the project will be centered on existing data and models, the second phase will involve a more in-the-trenches approach. Deep-dive case studies and engagement with active marine managers and policy makers are intended to "get the folks on the ground involved from the very beginning, so that the tools we develop can be as useful as possible to the people who are actually doing this work," said Kappel. "We want to give managers tools that help them to maximize the delivery of benefits to people, while protecting the ecosystem and minimizing the risk that it will be tipped into a different state.

"Our coasts and our oceans are becoming increasingly crowded, and more and more people depend upon them," she added. "Inevitably, there's this problem of increasing competition for limited ocean resources. We need to be able to proactively plan for how we're going to use those resources and do it in a way that allows them to be sustainable for the long run. If we are unaware of the potential cliffs you can fall off in the ecosystem dynamics, we run the risk of diminishing benefits to people and of changing ecosystems forever."


Other researchers on the study include Larry Crowder and Meg Caldwell at Stanford's Center for Ocean Solutions; Rod Fujita at EDF; and Phil Levin, with NOAA.

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, established in 2000, seeks to advance environmental conservation, patient care, and scientific research. The goal of the Marine Conservation Initiative is to achieve healthy marine ecosystems in North America that support sustainable use. For more information, please visit

*Acquisition and digitization of the Ronald H. McPeak collection was made possible with funding from the National Science Foundation to the Santa Barbara Coastal Long Term Ecological Research project.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

New study to examine ecological tipping points in hopes of preventing them [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Oct-2012
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Contact: Shelly Leachman
University of California - Santa Barbara

(Santa Barbara, Calif.) Predation by otters keeps urchin populations in check, allowing kelp a favorite food of urchins to flourish. But what if otters were harvested to near extinction for their fur? The resulting overabundance of urchins would decimate the kelp forest, leaving little food or shelter for fish and invertebrates. And so it may go, as declines in these species are likely to affect others.

Such is the potential trickle-down effect on the food chain of even subtle shifts in a single species tipping points that can induce wholesale, sometimes irreversible change to entire ecosystems. Examples of these ecological thresholds and unintended consequences are many the otter-urchin scenario occurred in Alaska and California but solutions are few. Some UC Santa Barbara researchers hope to change that.

A new project of scientists at UCSB's National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) and partners aims to synthesize existing research on tipping points in marine ecosystems and conduct case studies to devise a set of early warning indicators and management tools that may help to predict, even prevent, threatened systems from falling off the precipice.

"We know that thresholds in marine ecosystems can lead to rapid changes in their ability to support activities and services that people value, but we seldom have information about how human actions are affecting these things and how close we might be to those tipping points," said Carrie Kappel, associate project scientist and lead principal investigator (PI) on the study.

The NCEAS team of Kappel and co-PIs Ben Halpern and Kimberly Selkoe with partners at Stanford's Center for Ocean Solutions, the Environmental Defense Fund, and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have been awarded $3.1 million from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for the soon-to-launch study, "Ecosystem Thresholds and Indicators for Marine Spatial Planning."

"This is an ambitious project that addresses really critical issues in natural resource management and protecting and managing our oceans effectively," said Halpern, director of UCSB's Center for Marine Assessment and Planning. "We're looking at how natural ecosystems respond to changes in human pressure, or to climate change, and what the effects are on the human community. I think people sometimes forget that we are managing these systems not just for the sake of creating bureaucracy and regulations. We have an interest in keeping ecosystems healthy and sustainable not just for nature's sake, but because we, as humans, fundamentally value and depend upon them."

Among the core focuses of the four-year project is identifying advance indicators of threshold shifts, which could include water quality, an abundance or lack of certain species, and even rates of disease, according to co-PI Selkoe, a marine ecologist and NCEAS associate scientist. Ascertaining such early warning signals, she said, will improve the monitoring capabilities of ecosystem managers and potentially enable them to prevent threshold shifts or at least be better prepared.

"We may or may not be able to really know how fast we're approaching a threshold shift, but if managers are conscious of these shifts they can be more prepared and cognizant of the possibilities," Selkoe explained. "There may be a lot of cases of climate change combined with ocean cycle changes that nothing people can do will prevent. There's a lot beyond our control, which probably means we need to manage more conservatively. The marine resource management world is moving toward these strategies, toward incorporating big picture thinking and comprehensive approaches that will require coordination across sectors managers need more tools to operate at that scale."

While the first phase of the project will be centered on existing data and models, the second phase will involve a more in-the-trenches approach. Deep-dive case studies and engagement with active marine managers and policy makers are intended to "get the folks on the ground involved from the very beginning, so that the tools we develop can be as useful as possible to the people who are actually doing this work," said Kappel. "We want to give managers tools that help them to maximize the delivery of benefits to people, while protecting the ecosystem and minimizing the risk that it will be tipped into a different state.

"Our coasts and our oceans are becoming increasingly crowded, and more and more people depend upon them," she added. "Inevitably, there's this problem of increasing competition for limited ocean resources. We need to be able to proactively plan for how we're going to use those resources and do it in a way that allows them to be sustainable for the long run. If we are unaware of the potential cliffs you can fall off in the ecosystem dynamics, we run the risk of diminishing benefits to people and of changing ecosystems forever."


Other researchers on the study include Larry Crowder and Meg Caldwell at Stanford's Center for Ocean Solutions; Rod Fujita at EDF; and Phil Levin, with NOAA.

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, established in 2000, seeks to advance environmental conservation, patient care, and scientific research. The goal of the Marine Conservation Initiative is to achieve healthy marine ecosystems in North America that support sustainable use. For more information, please visit

*Acquisition and digitization of the Ronald H. McPeak collection was made possible with funding from the National Science Foundation to the Santa Barbara Coastal Long Term Ecological Research project.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Gallows Humor

Screen Shot 2012-10-30 at 6.52.48 PMManhattan, a place I've always considered a spiritual home and sometimes an actual one, actually turned into?a real life version of all?those post-apocalyptic movies about Manhattan on Monday evening as Superstorm Sandy hit landfall. We all learned that what the disaster?movies miss in their bathos is something elemental to human behavior in these sorts of situations: Gallows humor. Those of us with access to the Internet watched enthralled as the center of world commerce, New York City, was swallowed by flooding that eventually left 43 people dead and millions of dollars of property damaged.?Because of all of the aforementioned disaster movies, the scenes broadcast were eerily familiar. Fake photos of the carnage abounded, trumped only by the more horrific, and real photos of the carnage. And jokes, lots of jokes.


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Syrian activists report 23 dead in Damascus suburb

BEIRUT (AP) ? Anti-regime activists say Syrian forces have killed at least 23 people in a restive suburb of the capital Damascus.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 18 civilians were killed in an airstrike Tuesday on the city of Duma, northeast of Damascus. Five other rebel fighters were killed in clashes with regime forces nearby.

Syrian forces have stepped up their use of airpower against rebels seeking to topple President Bashar Assad as opposition fighters have made gains on the ground.

Activist say more than 35,000 people have been killed since Syria's troubles began in March, 2011.


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Raising Giving Kids: How to Teach Your Kids the Benefits of Giving

making a difference! ? bettering communities

Giving can be defined in many ways. For me, giving can be defined in words, actions, and through memories. When I think about what giving means to me, I think about my mom. When I was younger, it used to drive me crazy when my mom would volunteer to sew costumes for a local theater. Often times, I would come home from school or other activities to find her downstairs, hovering over her sewing machine, stitching this and mending that.?Sewing was something she learned how to do from my Grandma, and something my Grandma learned how to do from her mom.

Three kids sitting and smiling

My mom?s fascination and love for costume making never truly made sense to me until I heard the pride in her voice and witnessed the pure joy she felt on opening night, gazing at all of her beautiful costume on stage. It was then that I realized that the countless hours she gave sewing costumes didn?t just benefit others, it offered her a sense of great purpose and feelings of personal satisfaction.?Realizing the mutual benefit of giving couldn?t have been taught to me by my mom, it had to be shown.

Here are five ways to help show your family the benefits of giving:

1. Find?a cause that you love or care for and volunteer to help it. Whether it be visiting with elderly people at a nursing home in your community or volunteering at a booth signing people up to be bone marrow donors, the more you connect with your community and the causes you care about, the more your kids will want to, too!

2. Share?how giving to others has changed you or how it makes you feel to your family by showing pictures, telling stories, and emphasizing the mutual impact your giving experiences have had on you and on the others you?re helping.

3.?Include your family in the volunteer activities you participate in. Maybe you need help putting together information kits or setting up booths or spaces; including your family in the process will make them feel a part of the action. For me,?my mom always has me take pictures of her costumes before opening night.

4.?Create?memories with your family that will show them the mutual benefits of giving.

5. Instill?the idea in your family that giving is a daily part of life. Ways to do this include picking a new family member to highlight and do nice things for every week/month, writing handwritten notes to family or friends who live far away, or doing fun family service together.

What ways are you raising giving children?

Featured image courtesy of Flickr.





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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Vehicle Electrification and Other Green Advances Surge Ahead at ...

Green continues to be a dominant shade of innovation in the automotive sector as 2013 looks to be a banner year for vehicle efficiency. According to, total shopper interest for alternative fuel and highly fuel-efficient models is up 54 percent so far in 2012. This year?s LA Auto Show ? reflects this trend and will host significant debuts in electric, hybrid, clean-diesel and 40-plus mpg advanced gasoline-powered engines. There will be two dozen all-electric or plug-in electric models at the Show, at least a dozen clean-diesel vehicles and nearly 20 vehicles achieving 40-plus mpg with highly advanced four-cylinder gasoline engines.

Automakers are incorporating multiple approaches?even within a single model line?to reach new benchmarks, and all categories of vehicles are well represented. Everything from luxury performance models, such as the BMW i8 Spyder plug-in hybrid to the Chevrolet Spark micro car are trending green.

?The green technology innovations demonstrated by automakers around the world continue to attract the attention of the car-buying public,? said Andy Fuzesi, general manager of the LA Auto Show. ?We?re excited to be able to provide one of the world?s best stages for manufacturers to display their very latest achievements that match virtually every budget.?

Hybrids and Electric Vehicles

The race for the lowest-emission automobile is hottest in the electric, plug-in hybrid and hybrid categories. During the first six months of 2012, U.S. hybrid car sales increased 63.5 percent, while the overall automobile market increased 14.9 percent.

This year?s Show will feature three electric vehicle debuts, including the all new Fiat electric 500e. However, it is the number of electric and plug-in vehicles available to the consumer that has grown most dramatically in the last few years. New releases at the Show from Ford alone include the 2013 Ford C-MAX Energi plug-in hybrid, the Fusion Energi plug-in and the Focus Electric. Honda will have its new Accord plug-in hybrid, which joins the ranks of existing electrics and plug-ins from Audi, BMW, Chevrolet, Coda, Fisker, Honda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Toyota and Smart.

Clean Diesel

Once shunned as a polluting underperformer, diesel is back in a big way. During the first six months of 2012, clean-diesel automobile sales in the United States increased 27.5 percent, outpacing the overall auto market by 12 percent. As clean-diesel technology continues to accelerate, bringing an increasing number of vehicles to market particularly with European brands, clean-diesel will give hybrids a run for the money. Audi is a case in point. The company has expanded its focus on TDI vehicles and will make some specific news on that front at this year?s LA Auto Show.

Volkswagen shows equal enthusiasm for modern diesel technology, offering six turbocharged clean-diesel vehicles, which thanks to advanced engineering and ?greener? fuels, routinely deliver EPA-rated mileage estimates of over 40 mpg on the highway. Volkswagen?s latest diesel entry slated to debut at the LA Show includes the 2013 Beetle Cabriolet, which will be available in both diesel and gasoline engine configurations. Volkswagen is even testing renewable diesel from fuel maker Solazyme in some of its TDI products.

Mercedes-Benz continues to expand its clean-diesel offerings in the U.S. with a plan to bring a total of eight clean-diesel models to the states by 2014, including the GLK250 BlueTEC, which will be on display at the Show and in showrooms by Spring 2013. Mercedes-Benz has also invested heavily in start-stop technology to further improve efficiency. Nearly 40 percent of its vehicles will have the fuel conserving feature, which is a 12 percent gain over last year.

Four-cylinder Forecast

Four-cylinder gasoline-powered models are also breaking stereotypes. A new generation of vehicles pairing performance and up-market styling with fuel-sipping EPA numbers near or over 40 mpg are becoming more prevalent. Four-cylinder cars once seen as under-powered and underwhelming in design, certainly do not fit that mold today. New nameplates such as the new Dodge Dart Aero, which delivers aggressive styling with a 1.4-liter four-cylinder engine and a six-speed manual transmission, returns 41 mpg on the highway. Ford?s new Fiesta, making its debut at the Show, also delivers sporty styling combined with excellent fuel economy. In fact, Ford is offering eight vehicles that deliver 40 mpg or better by year?s end, double the number in 2011. The automaker?s fuel-efficient EcoBoost powertrains have become a company mainstay and make appearances in vehicles such as the 2013 Ford Fusion Titanium.

More performance-oriented small cars that still deliver impressive fuel economy are on the rise including the Fiat 500 Abarth Cabriolet making its debut at the Show. Featuring aggressive rally styling and a 1.6-liter turbocharged engine producing 170 lb.-ft. of torque, the vehicle still manages an EPA rating of 34 mpg highway. Also, Mini will unveil its new Paceman also boasting both performance and excellent fuel economy.

Article appearing courtesy Celsias


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Petit Pet Care takes care of your pets when you aren?t able to. We come to your house, where your pet feels most comfortable, feed them, give them fresh water, walk them, clean their litter box or bedding. Care goes beyond just the basics and includes TLC ? we spend time with your pet, petting, brushing, and/or playing ? what ever they need. We send you daily updates via text or email, including photos, so you can be assured all is well. If you are out of town, we can bring in your mail and newspaper, adjust lights and keep an eye on things around your home.

Please visit our web site for details on services offered, service area and rates. Mention you saw us on Uptown Messenger, and get a 10% discount on your first 5 pet sitting visits or first 5 dog walks. Offer good through November 16, 2012. Discount cannot be combined with other discounts.


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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Suggestions and Discussion for the Roleplay


The most dangerous sicknesses are those that make us believe we are well... So what do you do, when you do the unthinkable; You fall in love. { One Girl Spot Left }


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Delirium?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

Topic Tags:

Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.

S????s????s ??? D?s??ss??? ??? ??? R???????

Since the roleplay will be starting soon, I just thought that I`d add this. You can ask make suggestions and discuss the plot here. If you want to make a suggestion though, please make it reasonable. Don't say anything like `Oh, they should all die from an apocalypse.`, even though I doubt any of you will do such a thing.

You can also ask questions here.

Every now and then, once we've all come up with some possible plot ideas, I`ll post the best one up here, for people's opinions and such. For now though, until then, we can just talk about the beginning of the roleplay, and people can bring up suggestions and ideas if they have any.

Last edited by Adoration on Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:16 am, edited 3 times in total.



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RolePlayGateway is a site built by a couple roleplayers who wanted to give a little something back to the roleplay community. The site has no intention of earning any profit, and is paid for out of their own pockets.

If you appreciate what they do, feel free to donate your spare change to help feed them on the weekends. After selecting the amount you want to donate from the menu, you can continue by clicking on PayPal logo.

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Make an Effective Holiday Marketing Calendar

holidays Make an Effective Holiday Marketing CalendarB2C businesses are getting ready for the holiday season. While you don?t want to start marketing for the holidays too early, you do need to stay on schedule. With social media and email marketing becoming increasingly important to consumers, B2C businesses need to develop a more sophisticated holiday marketing calendar.

The holiday marketing calendar will include which campaigns will launch when. Depending on your business and your market, the specific days you want to focus on will vary. But many businesses need to set specific goals for each of the big shopping days: Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving),? Small Business Saturday (the Saturday after Thanksgiving) and Cyber Monday (the Monday after).

The sooner you start your promotions, the better. Most smaller businesses do not have the huge budget that larger corporations have to start blitzing consumers starting at Thanksgiving with TV commercials, radio commercials, paper advertisements, and sponsorships. Some of these marketing channels fit into any business?s budget, but social media gives you a big bang for your buck. If you can engage your customers and connect with them, you can help drive sales during the holidays.

Did you know that 39% of consumers have already started their holiday shopping by August? You do not have to start using a snowflake and Santa Claus theme in your social media before Halloween, but you can start making posts and running specials for gift cards and potential gift items.

Write down when you want to send your email newsletter, plus some additional ?holiday special? emails in between. Coordinate your campaign on Facebook or Twitter. Decide if you want to offer a local deal, and when.

Small Business Saturday was started by American Express to drive shoppers to local merchants on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Remember that the three big shopping days at the end of November are just the beginning. Many customers continue shopping until the end of the year. Look at what your customers need, and when, in light of the type of business you have. Draw up a calendar that includes social media to give your holiday sales a boost.

About Wayne Akey

Providing ACH and credit card payment solutions guaranteed to save businesses time and money. Specialist in ACH Integration for software/ASP providers looking to emdbed payment processing capabilities. Read about Integration. View my LinkedIn profile here


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Geek Fact for October 26th ? Daves Computer Tips

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Launched for placement above the Pacific, Intelsat 2 failed to achieve synchronous orbit. Despite this, it was used to transmit live television and other communications traffic.

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About the author

Judy Novotny

Judy is a computer veteran with 30 years of experience. She has owned everything from a TRS-80, Apple IIe and various Windows-based PCs. She is currently living in her Apple ecosystem at home consisting of an iPhone, iPad, iMac, MacBook, Apple TV, iPod nano and two Time Capsules. She is a fan of all things mobile since she got her first Palm Pilot in 1999. Check out her iPad app, Number Wizard, in the App Store. Follow her on Twitter (@junovotech) or on Facebook (junovotech).

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Home Based Business Tax Smashes - Free Article Directory ...

House companies could be good tax shelters. An incredible number of Americans possess some sort of company within their houses. If you are one of these fortunate people and meet the IRS requirements present in IRS publication 587, you can take deductions for expenses linked to the business use of part of your home.If you want to know if you qualify the IRS requirements to claim expenses, you need to meet the subsequent three tests:"Exclusively and regularly as your principal place of business."Exclusively and regularly as a where you meet or cope with customers"In connection with an industry or business.If you qualify to claim expenses you may take an of the following:"Real estate taxes"Deductible mortgage interest"Depreciation"Insurance"Rent"Repairs"Security system"Utilities and servicesNow why a portion? Well, you do not just use the whole house for a business so you have to see how much of your house is clearly used for your business. Like, say you have a normal 9 to 5 day work and decide to start an internet business. You do your entire work with this business at home office. As a simple case, let us say you have a house that is 1000 sq feet and your home office is 100 sq feet. That's 10% of the sum total area of the property (100 sq feet / 1000 sq feet). Hence, it is possible to take hundreds of all good charges on your tax reunite. Therefore, if your end of year resources cost was $1200, you would manage to deduct $120 ($1200 yearly electricity cost * ten percent business percent use of your home ).Be sure to help keep accurate records of most your costs. You need to maintain records offering the data needed seriously to determine your deductions for the business use of your home. You should keep bills, payments, terminated checks, credit card statements, and other evidence of expenses you paid. The IRS requires one to keep these documents so long as they're essential for any tax law; generally three years from the time your fees are filed.A home business could generate significant tax advantages. If you do opt to take up a business be sure to examine your with your accountant. To find out about the tax benefits of a home business, look at the Real Estate Owner website's part,, which breaks down the tax breaks open to you.

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Study: Aspirin may help treat some colon cancers

NEW YORK (AP) ? Aspirin, one of the world's oldest and cheapest drugs, has shown remarkable promise in treating colon cancer in people with mutations in a gene that's thought to play a role in the disease.

Among patients with the mutations, those who regularly took aspirin lived longer than those who didn't, a major study found. Five years after their cancers were diagnosed, 97 percent of the aspirin users were still alive versus 74 percent of those not taking the drug.

Aspirin seemed to make no difference in patients who did not have the mutations.

This sort of study can't prove that aspirin caused the better survival, and doctors say more research must confirm the findings before aspirin can be recommended more widely. The study wasn't designed to test aspirin; people were taking it on their own for various reasons.

Still, the results suggest that this simple medicine might be the cheapest gene-targeting therapy ever found for cancer. About one-sixth of all colon cancer patients have the mutated gene and might be helped by aspirin. And aspirin costs just pennies a day.

"It's exciting to think that something that's already in the medicine cabinet may really have an important effect" beyond relieving pain and helping to prevent heart attacks, said Dr. Andrew Chan of Massachusetts General Hospital. He and others from Harvard Medical School led the study, which appears in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine.

Cancers of the colon or rectum are a leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. More than 140,000 new cases and 51,000 deaths from them are expected this year in the United States.

Several studies suggest that aspirin may help fight cancer, especially colorectal tumors. It is often recommended for people who have colon cancer and others at high risk of developing it. But it's not advised for wider use, or for cancer prevention, because it can cause serious bleeding in the stomach and gut.

What has been lacking, doctors say, is a good way to tell which people might benefit the most, so aspirin's risks would be justified. Chan's study suggests a way to do that.

It involved 964 people diagnosed with various stages of colon cancer who were among nearly 175,000 participants in two health studies based at Harvard that began in the 1980s. Every two years, they filled out surveys on their health habits, including aspirin use.

Most had surgery for their cancer, and many also had chemotherapy. They gave tumor tissue samples that could be tested for gene activity. Researchers focused on one gene, PIK3CA, that is involved in a key pathway that fuels cancer's growth and spread. Aspirin seems to blunt that pathway, so the scientists looked at its use in relation to the gene.

In those whose tumors had a mutation in that gene, regular aspirin use cut the risk of dying of colon cancer by 82 percent and of dying of any cause by 46 percent during the study period of about 13 years.

Only two of the 62 regular aspirin users whose tumors had the mutated gene died within five years of their cancer diagnosis versus 23 of 90 non-aspirin users with such a mutation.

The results are "quite exciting," said Dr. Boris Pasche, a cancer specialist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham who wrote an editorial that appears with the study in the medical journal. Half a dozen drugs are used to treat colon cancer, but only one meaningfully extends survival in people whose cancers have not widely spread, he said.

"Now we may have aspirin. That's why it's a big deal," Pasche said.

In the study, the dose of aspirin ? baby or regular ? didn't seem to matter, just whether any aspirin was regularly used.

The test for the gene is not expensive and is simple enough that most cancer centers should be able to do it, Chan and Pasche said.

The National Institutes of Health and several foundations paid for the study. One of the 17 authors consults for Bayer, a leading aspirin maker. Pasche has been a paid speaker for two companies that make cancer treatments and has two patent applications under review related to cancer treatment.

Researchers warn that aspirin may not be responsible for the improved survival seen in this study. Differences in how the patients' cancer was treated could have played a role.

For that reason, they say the next step should be a study where some people with the mutated gene are given aspirin and others are not, so their cancer outcomes can be compared more directly.

One colon cancer patient, L. Stewart Keefe, 60, a retired interior decorator and painter from Alton, N.H., decided several years ago to try it.

"I figured, what have I got to lose by taking some aspirin? It just seems like it was a simple enough thing to take," she said. "For me the bleeding risk is a very small possible consequence" compared with the risk of cancer coming back, she said.



Medical journal:


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Spartan swimming meet at aquatics center is canceled - Bainbridge ...

Today's girls swimming meet between Bainbridge High and Holy Names Academy at the Bainbridge Island Aquatics Center has been canceled.

The cancelation was not due to last week's meltdown of the heating unit for the Ray Williamson Pool, however.

The heating unit, which was destroyed by a fire on Oct. 15, has since been replaced, said John DeMeyer, recreation services director for the Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District.

Instead, blame the cancelation on a faulty filter.

"They had a problem with one of the filters and it was leaking material past it," DeMeyer said.


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Rob's Guest Appearance on ACT LOCAL Marketing with Kalynn ...

Rob Kissner, President of The Digital Arts Experience, on ACT LOCAL Marketing with Kalynn Amadio. Each week, ACT LOCAL Marketing for Small Business will guide small business entrepreneurs through building a bridge between traditional direct local marketing channels and the more complex world of digital marketing for small business. Listeners get a clear understanding of how to grow their existing business with social media, video, mobile technology and more, without breaking the bank.

If you?ve worried about how to ?nd the ideal customer or how to reach a different demographic, you?re not alone. If business just isn?t as good as it used to be or the competition seems to have the upper hand, it?s not too late to make some changes to your current local marketing. Let Kalynn help your business and your community by sharing the techniques and resources she uses with her personal clients to effectively market any local business online.
Busy entrepreneurs listen to ACT LOCAL for more ideas, more understanding and more knowledge about WHY and HOW harnessing the Internet gives them the power to bring their business to the next level.

ACT LOCAL host, Kalynn Amadio is a social media, Internet, mobile, local SEO and video marketing Ninja! She is Principal of?, a digital marketing firm that works exclusively marketing for business at the local level. A real 3rd degree black belt, speaker, seminar leader, engineer and Internet marketing entrepreneur, Kalynn helps business owners maximize online marketing efforts. She is passionate about helping local businesses thrive in this ever-changing world of the Internet, social media, video and mobile technology. ?An entertaining, humorous and engaging host, she packs her shows with not only the WHY but the HOW to use cutting edge technology to best advantage.

To reach Kalynn, follow her on any of her social media outlets: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube. Her personal blog shares insights about local marketing and building the bridge between traditional direct marketing and the new frontiers of online, digital marketing. Or sign up to get her free corporate newsletter, Kick It!, and turn your local marketing for small business into a sales dynamo.

Tags: act local marketing, audio engineering, digital literacy, kalynn amadio, radio, rob kissner, SEO, The DAE, the digital arts experience, twitter, westchester, white plains


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