Saturday, September 29, 2012

Samsung asks us to witness 'The Next Big Thing' at an October 24th event in New York City

Samsung sends invitations to 'The Next Big Thing' on October 24th in New York City

We're starting to suspect that Samsung has a thing for special events. The company just asked us to clear our calendars for an evening presentation in New York City on October 24th, teasing that the "Next Big Thing" has arrived. It's easy to make the connection to the Galaxy Note line with a stylus front and center in the teaser, although just what's entailed is left to the imagination: is it a more formal launch for American Galaxy Note II variants? A new tablet beyond the Galaxy Note 10.1? All we know is that we plan to be there to find out.

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Samsung asks us to witness 'The Next Big Thing' at an October 24th event in New York City originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 13:47:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Remake America: From $180,000 a year to $8 an hour

While Titina gave up her teaching career to raise their two children, Claude had a lucrative career as pharmaceutical sales representative. But Claude's lay-off earlier this year, coupled with a $75,000 debt from a previous marriage and $69,000 a year in child support, has sent shock waves through the family's finances. Now seriously considering a move to Titina's home country of Canada, the couple seeks alternative options by speaking with finance expert Farnoosh Torabi.

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Napiergrass: A potential biofuel crop for the sunny Southeast

ScienceDaily (Sep. 27, 2012) ? A grass fed to cattle throughout much of the tropics may become a biofuel crop that helps the nation meet its future energy needs, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist.

Napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum) is fairly drought-tolerant, grows well on marginal lands, and filters nutrients out of runoff in riparian areas, according to William Anderson, a geneticist in the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Crop Genetics and Breeding Research Unit in Tifton, Ga. ARS is USDA's principal intramural scientific research agency, and this research supports the USDA priority of developing new sources of bioenergy.

Government mandates call for production of up to 36 billion gallons of biofuel by 2022. While much of that will come from grain ethanol, 21 billion gallons is expected to be derived from other crop-based feedstocks.

As part of a nationwide search for alternatives, Anderson and his colleagues compared napiergrass with several other candidate feedstocks in a study to see how they would fare in head-to-head competition. The researchers grew energy cane, napiergrass, switchgrass and giant reed for four years and compared biomass yields and soil nutrient requirements.

Joseph Knoll, a post-doctoral researcher in Anderson's laboratory, led the research effort. The team included Timothy Strickland and Robert Hubbard, ARS scientists with the agency's Southeast Regional Watershed Research Unit in Tifton, and Ravindra Malik of Albany State University in Albany, Ga.

With sunny skies and long growing seasons, farms and forests in the Southeastern United States are expected to play a major role in providing biofuel crops. The researchers' findings, along with others, show that napiergrass could be a viable biofuel crop in the Southeast's southern tier. It is not as cold-tolerant as switchgrass, but does offer advantages, such as continuing to produce biomass until the first frost. The research results have been published in BioEnergy Research.

The researchers are continuing to study napiergrass with an eye toward improving yields, usable fiber content, and disease resistance. They are also evaluating production systems that use chicken litter, synthetic fertilizer, and winter cover crops, as well as different irrigation levels, harvest times and planting dates. Preliminary findings in those studies show yields are sufficient without irrigation, and that there is little difference in yield when poultry litter is used instead of synthetic fertilizers.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by United States Department of Agriculture - Research, Education and Economics. The original article was written by Dennis O'Brien.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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arthurts Site - Bring back your creativity | Self Improvement Tips ...

You need a 7 Day BrainwashI must be honest. There are some days when I sit down to write and I think there?s not a shred of creativity in me. Today, as I began, was one of those days.

So I thought, why don?t I tell them about that? How do you get creative or resourceful when it just doesn?t seem to be there?

Easy peasy, as we used to say at school. (I think we might have added ?lemon squeezy? too ? but who cares?).

I simply remember all the times I have been resourceful. I see myself sitting at my desk writing furiously, wondering how on earth so much time can have passed I?m on such a roll. I recall times when I was teaching, or explaining something passionately to my kids, or when I had to think up a plausible excuse to get myself out of a hole, or when friends dropped in unexpectedly and I concocted a meal out of a larder I had considered empty ?. the number of times any one of us has been creative and resourceful is huge.

Pretty soon, my brain is so full of ideas, I wonder if I can just keep to one a day. My posture changes, I may walk about, my breathing is different.

And you know what? You can do it the other way round too. If I change my posture, my breathing and my movements to the way I am when I feel creative, that old creative feeling comes back all by itself.


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Huge Sumatran quakes in April a step in tectonic plate breakup

Planet Earth may be 4.5 billion years old, but that doesn't mean it can't serve up a shattering surprise now and again.

Such was the case on April 11 when two massive earthquakes erupted beneath the Indian Ocean off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, far from the usual danger zones. Now scientists say the seafloor ruptures are part of a long suspected, yet never before observed, event: the slow-motion splitting of a vast tectonic plate.

The first of the quakes, a magnitude 8.7, was 20 times more powerful than California's long anticipated "big one" and tore a complex network of faults deep in the ocean floor. The violence also triggered unusually large aftershocks thousands of miles away, including four off North America's western coast.

"It was jaw-dropping," said Thorne Lay, a professor of Earth and planetary sciences at UC Santa Cruz. "It was like nothing we'd ever seen."

At first, Lay wondered whether the computer code he used to analyze earthquakes was wrong. Eventually, he and other scientists realized that they had documented the breakup of the Indo-Australian plate into two pieces, an epic process that began roughly 50 million years ago and will continue for tens of millions more. Lay and other scientists reported their findings online Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Most great earthquakes occur along plate borders, where one plate dives beneath the adjoining plate and sinks deep into Earth's mantle, a process called subduction. The April 11 quakes, however, occurred in the middle of the plate and involved a number of strike-slip faults, meaning the ground on one side of the fault moves horizontally past ground on the other side.

Scientists say the 8.7 main shock broke four faults. The quake lasted 2 minutes and 40 seconds ? most last just seconds ? and was followed by a second main shock, of magnitude 8.2, two hours later.

Unlike the magnitude 9.1 temblor that struck in the same region on Dec. 26, 2004, and created a deadly tsunami, the April 11 quakes did not cause similar destruction. That's because horizontally moving strike-slip faults do not induce the massive, vertical displacement of water that thrust faults do on the borders of plates.

The type of interplate faults involved in the Sumatran quakes are the result of monumental forces, some of which drove the land mass of India into Asia millions of years ago and lifted the Himalayan Mountains. As the Indo-Australian plate continues to slide northwest, the western portion of the plate, where India is, has been grinding against and underneath Asia. But the eastern portion of the plate, which contains Australia, keeps on moving without the same obstruction. That difference creates squeezing pressure in the area where the quakes occurred.

The study authors say that over time, as more quakes occur and new ruptures appear, the cracks will eventually coalesce into a single fissure.

"This is part of the messy business of breaking up a plate," said University of Utah seismologist Keith Koper, senior author of one of the studies. "Most likely it will take thousands of similar large quakes for that to happen."

The quakes were also notable for triggering powerful aftershocks thousands of miles away. Though major quakes have been known to trigger aftershocks at great distance, they are usually less than 5.5 in magnitude. The April earthquakes triggered 11 aftershocks that measured 5.5 or greater in the six days that followed, including a magnitude 7. Remote shocks were felt 6,000 to 12,000 miles from the main quakes.

Fred Pollitz, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Calif., and lead author of one of the studies, said the quakes were extremely effective in transmitting seismic wave radiation around the world. Though Pollitz said the magnitude of the larger Sumatran quake is No. 10 on the list of quakes since 1900, no other temblor has triggered so many strong aftershocks so far away.

"It's the most powerful earthquake ever in terms of capability of putting stress on other fault zones around the world," he said.

Pollitz said the quakes were likely to teach seismologists about the physics of earthquakes, particularly those along strike-slip faults. That knowledge, he said, would certainly apply to California's San Andreas fault, which is also a strike-slip fault.

Lay said that the Sumatran quakes were most surprising in that they were completely unanticipated by seismologists and that he did not expect the event to repeat any time soon.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hiring plans show retailers are confident about holidays

Gerald Storch, Toys R Us chairman & CEO, discusses his company's plans to hire more than 45,000 seasonal workers this holiday season.

By Roland Jones, NBC News

Toys R Us is joining Wal-Mart and other major retailers making bets that they?ll need extra staff for the holiday shopping season.

The toy retailer -- which hired about 40,000 seasonal workers last year and retained about 15 percent of that number after the holidays ended -- said Tuesday it will take on 45,000 seasonal employees in the U.S. this year to deal with the upcoming holiday season.

Last week, Wal-Mart Stores said it plans to hire roughly 50,000 seasonal workers during the holiday season, slightly higher than the number of employees it hired last year. Other retailers, such as Kohl?s and Target, have also announced plans for holiday-season hiring this year.

A rise in holiday hiring is seen as an indication of the retail sector?s expectations for holiday shopping season sales, which are vital to retailers because they account for around a quarter of annual retail sales in a typical year.

This week, outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas said it expects holiday hiring to be up this season from last year?s levels. The retail industry hired just over 660,000 seasonal jobs last year. This year, Challenger expects retailers could add almost 700,000 workers. But that level of seasonal hiring is still below pre-recession levels.

While 57 percent of retailers plan to hire seasonal workers at the same level as 2011, 36 percent say they will be hiring more workers this year -- up from 10 percent in 2011, according to a survey by Hay Group. The management consultancy polled 14 major U.S. retailers in order to gauge retailers? plans for the 2012 holiday season.

Retailers? holiday sales projections and hiring plans show they are more confident in economy, Hay Group said. Seventy-five percent of retailers expect an increase in holiday sales this year, according the survey.

?Retailers are betting big on the 2012 holiday season,? and they are ?calm and cool, rather than concerned,? heading in, said Craig Rowley, who is head of Hay Group?s Retail Practice. After four years of economic turbulence, retailers have figured out how to operate in an uncertain business environment, he added.

However, with the economy still in the doldrums and unemployment stubbornly high, forecasts for holiday shopping this year are cautiously optimistic.

Retail sales in the fourth quarter of the year, which includes the holiday sales period, are expected to grow at a 4 percent annual rate, down from a 6 percent rate last year, according to a report from retail consultancy Kantar Retail.

The past two holiday shopping periods benefitted from a pickup in job growth in October that largely continued through the end of the year, but that sort of boost to the economy isn?t likely to take place in 2012, noted Frank Badillo, Kantar?s senior economist.

This fall, consumers are likely to feel more worried about the future, which will be fed by uncertainty surrounding the U.S. elections, unsettled U.S. tax and spending policies, and no clear resolution to the ongoing European debt crisis.

One area of strength will be e-commerce, Badillo added. He expects online sales to grow 14 percent in the fourth quarter, down slightly from the 15.8 percent page seen in the final quarter of 2011. That?s still robust growth, even though online sales only represent about 5 percent of all retail sales, he added. By contrast, brick-and-mortar retailers will see sales growth of 2.9 percent in the fourth quarter, down from 4.7 percent in 2011.

One retailer who will benefit the most from this trend will be, according to Badillo, who said Kantar expects the web-based retailer to become the most shopped retailer for the 2012 holiday season, surpassing the current leader Wal-Mart.

?Amazon is on a trajectory in terms of online sales that should see it surpass Wal-Mart this year,? Badillo said.

?Online is still very strong and far and away the strongest retail channel in terms of growth,? he continued. ?It?s driving much of the price pressure for big-box retailers; sales growth has been flattening out here for them, or in some cases going negative.?

Indeed, e-commerce tracking firm eMarketer predicts 2012 will see a fourth consecutive year where online holiday sales (defined as sales in November and December) will grow in the mid-to-high teens, after plummeting 8.2 percent in 2008 during the depths of the Great Recession.

eMarketer also estimates that online holiday sales will account for 24.3 percent of the $224.2 billion in U.S. retail e-commerce sales forecast for all of 2012.


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About the Author

Know More - buy online, htc explorer,online shopping, digital cameras, digital camera price

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Spotlight on Romney fundraising host Leder

NEW YORK/MIAMI (Reuters) - Marc Leder, the host of the fundraiser where Mitt Romney labeled 47 percent of Americans as people who paid no tax and believed the government has a responsibility to care for them, has spent most of his career in relative obscurity.

But the 50-year-old private equity executive, who made his fortune buying and selling distressed companies, has been thrust into the headlines, finding his way first into the tabloids as the result of a contentious divorce and raucous parties and, more recently, onto the front pages thanks to the Romney event.

Leder, co-founder of Sun Capital Partners Inc, held the $50,000-a-plate fundraiser in May at his Boca Raton, Florida, home during which the Republican presidential candidate was secretly video taped dismissing Obama's supporters - almost half the country's voters - as too dependent on government.

The tape was released this week and put Romney on the defensive in the face of accusations from Democrats that he didn't care about the poor or the middle class and wouldn't be a president for all Americans.

"I hosted a fundraiser for an old friend in May," Leder said in a statement provided by his firm's spokesman, who declined to comment further for this article.

"I believe all Americans should have the opportunity to succeed, to improve their lives, and to build even better lives for their children. I have supported people from both political parties who share this view and make it a priority, even though their ideas on how to achieve it may differ."

The financier has thrown his financial weight behind Romney, an "old friend" Leder credits with inspiring his move from investment banking into private equity. Out of the $337,000 Leder has spent in political donations in this election season, $321,600 has gone to Mitt Romney and other Republicans and Republican-aligned groups, according to Reuters calculations.

People who know Leder describe him as the quintessential private equity executive - a confident, outgoing personality, who is interested in even the smallest details at the more than 80 companies owned by his firm.

"He is very much into detail ... He focuses on the garnish on a plate and says why do you need to put a pickle on a plate if nobody's eating it?" said George Michel, CEO of Sun Capital portfolio company Boston Market, a fast food chain.

Michel described Leder as being a relentless optimist who works all hours, but finds time for his children.

Leder has also followed in the footsteps of other prominent private equity executives such as Blackstone Group LP's Stephen Schwarzman by drawing attention for his lavish parties and lifestyle.

Controversy has plagued Leder of late. His private equity firm is one of those being investigated by the New York state attorney general for potential tax dodging, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters earlier this month.


A father of two daughters and one son, Leder divorced his wife of 22 years in 2009 after she cheated on him with their children's 23-year-old tennis coach, according to court papers filed by Leder's lawyer in their divorce proceedings.

His ex-wife, Lisa, did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment. A lawyer for her did not respond to a request for comment.

Leder's ex-wife described him in a 2009 divorce filing as a very successful private equity investor with "enormous annual income."

The Leders "enjoy a very high standard of living including multiple multi-million dollar homes, private jet travel and other luxuries," said the divorce petition, which was filed by his ex-wife's lawyer and included a request the court determine how their assets should be distributed.

Lawyers for both argued over the value of the couple's estate at the time. An attorney for Lisa Leder put the couple's marital estate at $400 million, while a lawyer representing Marc Leder said the value stood at more than $100 million.

The issue was at the center of a months-long legal battle as Leder's ex-wife sought documents and other testimony to determine the value of Sun Capital and Leder's stake in the firm.

Court documents filed by both of their lawyers and a transcript of a June 2009 court hearing depicted a lavish lifestyle that included a 10,000-square-foot mansion in Boca Raton, Florida, a family vacation house in the ski resort town of Stowe, Vermont, personal staff and a Sun Capital employee responsible for paying the family's bills.

Leder's parties in the Hamptons and St. Barts drew the attention of the New York Post. The paper described one Bridgehampton party as being "as if the Playboy Mansion met the East End," citing attendees describing nudity and public sex acts.

Leder has never commented on such claims, but has denied hosting wild and crazy parties.

Sources who know Leder paint a mixed picture of him following his divorce. Some said he devoted less time to the firm to pursue recreational activities and dating. Others said his reputation as someone who likes to party a lot is unwarranted.

"He's not as colorful as they make him out to be. I could certainly point to a lot of private equity executives who would be a lot more flamboyant. And he is only working harder. He has not slackened off at all, maybe just the opposite," said Cliff Roesler, managing director at Angle Advisors, who's known Leder for seven years and socialized with him.


Like Romney, Leder made his fortune in the private equity industry, using money from investors to buy companies and sell them at a profit. He co-founded Sun Capital in 1995 with fellow Lehman veteran Roger Krause and his firm has since invested in more than 300 companies and amassed about $8 billion of capital under management.

Romney played a key role in Leder's career. As an investment banker, Leder would talk to Romney about deals. When Leder launched Sun Capital, Romney was an early backer, investing in the new firm's deals. Sources familiar with the two men say that they have been close ever since.

Romney's old firm, Bain Capital LLC, and Sun have also remained close, with Sun buying some non-core businesses of companies that Bain acquired.

But while Bain carried out leveraged buyouts, Sun focused on a subset of such deals involving companies in various degrees of distress in need of a major turnaround. About a third of the companies that Sun invests in have negative cash flows.

This can make deals very lucrative should they work out. Earlier this year, Sun Capital sold transmission parts manufacturer Raybestos Powertrain LLC, making 110 times its money, according to a person familiar with the matter.

But such transactions come with much more risk. Sun Capital has seen several companies file for bankruptcy on its watch, including ice cream maker Friendly's, cargo and utility trailer manufacturer Pace American and auto parts supplier Mark IV Industries.

"He is great and talented person and has done a great job in building Sun," said Gilbert Harrison, chairman of Financo LLC, a New York-based investment banking firm where Leder started his career.

Sun Capital is currently fundraising, seeking $3 billion from investors for its sixth buyout fund, according to sources.

Its fifth fund was valued at 1.23 times its investment cost as of the end of July according to the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System, not a stellar performance but better than many other private equity firms that launched in 2007, at the height of the credit bubble preceding the financial crisis.

Their fifth fund is not among the top performing 25 percent of private equity funds launched in 2007, according to data firm Preqin, but is in the second quartile.

Leder's political contributions go beyond Republican candidates. Excluding his support for Romney, from 2002 to present he's given $63,200 to Republicans and $44,900 to Democrats.

He is also friendly with hip hop entrepreneur and liberal activist Russell Simmons and has supported his non-profit work in the arts.

"Marc Leder is a friend of mine and has been for many years," Simmons said in a statement. "While Marc and I have different views on American politics, we share the same view on giving back."

Aside from Simmons' Art for Life charity, Leder also donates to charities, including Best Buddies International, which fosters friendships between people with and without intellectual disabilities, and the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation.

(Additional reporting by Alexander Cohen in Washington, D.C. and David Toll in New York; Writing by Michael Erman; Editing by Paritosh Bansal, Martin Howell and Andre Grenon; Desking by Vicki Allen)

(This story was corrected to change Leder's age in paragraph 2 after his spokesman changed the age provided from 51 to 50)


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Canadian Ford workers accept contract

(AP) ? Canadian auto workers at Ford have voted to accept the new contract that their union leadership negotiated last week, the union said Sunday.

The Canadian Auto Workers union said 82 percent of its Ford members accepted the four-year deal. The union did not indicate how many of its 4,500 workers at Ford cast ballots.

The union leadership also reached an agreement with GM last week. GM workers are set to vote on the tentative agreement on Wednesday and Thursday.

Talks continue with Chrysler. The union wants Chrysler to match the deals they have reached with Ford and GM.

The Ford and GM contacts cut wages for new hires and freezes pay for current workers. But it also gives them lump-sum payments to cover inflation and for ratifying the deal.

Under the Ford and GM deals, the companies will pay new workers 60 percent of the current top wage of $33.89 Canadian dollars (US$34.74) an hour, according to the CAW. That would mean new workers would be paid around $20.33 Canadian ($20.84). They can move up the wage scale and reach the top wage in 10 years.

U.S. workers at the Detroit automakers approved a similar two-tier wage agreement five years ago, but in those agreements, workers don't automatically get the top wage after 10 years.

Ford said there will be significant cost-savings realized through the wage structure for new employees. Ford also said the deal creates more than 600 jobs in Canada over the life of the contract.

"By becoming more competitive in our labor costs, we are better positioned to support the growth of the Canadian economy and to provide new job opportunities," Stacey Allerton, vice president of Human Resources at Ford of Canada, said in a statement Sunday.

The auto companies had said Canada is the most expensive place in the world to make cars and trucks, and indicated they could move production south if the CAW didn't cut costs. The CAW represents about 21,000 auto workers in Canada and about 16 percent of auto production in North America.

Canada's advantages in the past ? a weak Canadian dollar and government health care ? have all but vanished compared with U.S. factories. In addition, the United Auto Workers union in the U.S. has agreed to steeper concessions than the CAW, making U.S. labor costs cheaper. Going into the talks, the Detroit automakers were paying an estimated $60 to $62 an hour for labor and benefits in Canada, compared with $50 an hour at Chrysler, $56 at Ford and $58 at GM, according to the Center for Automotive Research, a nonprofit research group.

The federal Canadian and Ontario province governments worked in tandem with the U.S. government on auto bailouts in 2009 to maintain Canada's share of North American auto production. Canada's share peaked at 3.2 million cars in 1999, about 17.4 percent of North American production. In 2011, Canada produced 2.1 million vehicles, or about 16 percent.

Associated Press


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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Watch Conan?s Tips For iPhone 5 Owners Facing Extended Shipping Times

apple-iphone-5-conanI've been in this boat: your heart sinks as you watch pre-order times slip for the latest Apple hotness while you wait to amass the necessary funds, or you wake up to find that the first batch rolling off the factory line sold out in only two hours very early into the wee hours of the morning. Waiting is worse when you know others don't have to. That's why Conan's provided the friendly advice in the clip above, in a video shot Apple-style and including a dulcet-toned British fake exec.


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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chat at Noon EDT about the Best Science Writing Online in 2012

Join us for a live online chat with the editors of The Best Science Writing 2012, aka The Open Laboratory 2012

Join us below at Noon Eastern time on Tuesday, September 18 for a live 30-minute online chat about the year's best science blog posts. The chat will feature SA blogs editor Bora Zivkovic (who blogs for us at A Blog Around the Clock, among other places on our network) and SA blogger Jennifer Ouellette (who blogs for us at Cocktail Party Physics). They will discuss today's publication of The Best Science Writing Online 2012, aka The Open Laboratory 2010,?by Scientific American/Farrar, Straus & Giroux.?We invite you to submit questions in advance in the comments section at the bottom of this page.

Here is the book's blurb on

"Showcasing more than fifty of the most provocative, original, and significant online essays from 2011,?The Best Science Writing Online 2012?will change the way we think about science? from fluids to fungi, poisons to pirates. Featuring noted authors and journalists as well as the brightest up-and-comers writing today, this collection provides a comprehensive look at the fascinating, innovative, and trailblazing scientific achievements and breakthroughs of 2011, along with elegant and thoughtprovoking new takes on favorite topics. This is the sixth anthology of online essays edited by Bora Zivkovic, the blogs editor at?Scientific American, and with each new edition, Zivkovic expands his fan base and creates a surge of excitement about upcoming compilations. Now everyone?s favorite collection will reach new horizons and even more readers. Guest-edited and with an introduction by the renowned science author and blogger Jennifer Ouellette,?The Best Science Writing Online 2012?marries cutting-edge science with dynamic writing that will inspire us all."

During the chat, Zivkovic, Ouellette and others involved in the Open Lab anthologies for the past six years will be available to answer your questions about how the finalists were selected from an initial 720 entries, what made the 51 finalists entries stand out and what else is new in science blogging in 2012.?

It's not too late to submit entries for considering in Open Lab 2013. The deadline is October 1. ?

[The chat will start at noon EDT on Tuesday in chat box below.]




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Jon Jones as a ring model, for some reason (VIDEO)

Michelle Waterson is fighting Lacey Schuckman at the upcoming Invicta FC card, and wanted to win the "Invicta's Got Talent" contest. As directed by the all-female promotion, "The Karate Hottie" made a video promoting her fight, complete with her ace in the hole: UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones in a slinky swimsuit.

Jones appears at 1:06, but it's worth watching the whole thing for cameos from coach Greg Jackson and a few other UFC fighters.

Though the UFC banned tiny shorts like those for fights, we'll see if Jones breaks them out for the weigh-ins of UFC 152 on Friday. If you liked Waterson's video, vote for it here.

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Twitter Announces New Design With Focus On Profile Pages, iPad Update On The TODAY Show

4578515565_10bb13a556_zToday, Twitter's CEO Dick Costolo announced a new design with a focus on profile pages and an iPad update on the TODAY Show, live. The show teased "big changes" coming to Twitter, and drew it out pretty well giving a company tour. The company announced that there are over 140 million users, with 340 million tweets per day, currently. Twitter also has an $8B valuation, which is just massive, not to mention a whopping 900 employees in San Francisco alone.


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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Did the Reign of Dinosaurs Begin, as Well as End, with a Meteorite Strike?

Western New Jersey holds one of the most visible examples of the Triassic?Jurassic boundary, where evidence could settle the debate about what caused a mega-extinction event that paved the way for the age of dinosaurs

Dilophosaurus Dilophosaurus on display at the Royal Ontario Museum Image: Wikipedia/ESV

STOCKTON, N.J.? A huge meteorite strike may have helped the dinosaurs rise as well as fall. That's what a small crew of mud-spattered researchers who drilled down hundreds of feet in New Jersey this summer wanted to discover.

Roughly 200 million years ago, at least half the species on Earth died off over the course of about 100,000 years, both on land and in sea. This mass extinction, at the boundary between the Triassic and Jurassic periods and one of five known such events in Earth's geologic history, set the stage for dinosaurs to rise to prominence and dominate the planet's terrestrial life for the next 135 million years.

The quest for answers regarding dinosaurs and the end-Triassic mass extinction had previously led paleontologist Paul Olsen and his colleagues at Columbia University's Lamont ?Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) to globe-trot to around cities in Morocco and along sea cliffs in the U.K . digging up clues from that past era. This summer, it brought them to the Kell family's yard in western New Jersey?the area holds one of the most visible examples of the Triassic? Jurassic boundary.

The sub surface dig for revealing sediment cores required a lightweight, portable drill called a Winkie. D iamond-tipped and gas-powered , it can be carried and operated by only two people?often paleomagnetist Dennis Kent and geochemist Morgan Schaller, both at Rutgers University. The goal was to unearth evidence of what might have triggered the mass extinction.

"The dinosaurs had actually first evolved about 25 million years before the mass extinction, but after their competition got wiped out, it looks like they came in like gangbusters," Olsen says. Such competition included extinct relatives of modern crocodilians, such as the large and carnivorous land-based rauisuchians and semiaquatic phytosaurs as well as ?plant-eating aetosaurs and revueltosaurs.

Many scientists blame the end-Triassic mass extinction on exceptionally massive volcanic eruptions over the course of less than 20,000 years that occurred about when the one-time supercontinent of Pangea began rifting apart. These eruptions coated what was to become Africa and the Americas with a million cubic kilometers of lava and doubled the level of carbon dioxide in the air causing massive global warming, "about a 3- degree Celsius increase on average in temperature, if the climate system was as sensitive as models suggest," Olsen says, citing research published by Schaller, Kent and their colleague James Wright in 2011.

Those 3 degrees "could have translated to lethally high summer temperatures, especially for some kinds of broad-leafed vegetation, which in turn could have led to extinctions of animals dependent on the plants," Olsen explains. "In the oceans, a rapid rise in carbon dioxide would have resulted in acidifying the oceans and badly impacting animals that make calcium carbonate skeletons, such as corals, bivalves and ammonites, all of which suffered massive drops in diversity."

Volcanic eruptions also release large amounts of sulfur-laden compounds that reflect sunlight, however, causing cooling. "The cooling only lasts a short time because the sulfur is removed quickly from the atmosphere, but the effect can be very intense, and for a world in which there were no ice caps and there were forests at the poles, such dramatic drops in temperature cold have been devastating on land," Olsen says.

"One can envision the carbon dioxide raising temperatures multiple times for tens of thousands of years, fading away over 100,000 years or so, but these periods of great warmth would be punctuated by many intervals of abrupt and intense cooling caused by the sulfur," Olsen continues. "This one-two punch may have been too much for terrestrial ecosystems and the warmth and acidity in the oceans too much for marine life. Result: mass extinction."


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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Peregrine CEO to remain jailed as government balks at release

(Reuters) - Peregrine Financial Group Chief Executive Russell Wasendorf Sr., who confessed to bilking more than $100 million from customers of his futures brokerage, will remain in jail after prosecutors objected to a plan to release him, according to a court order.

Wasendorf, 64, was previously expected to be released from an Iowa jail, pending sentencing for lying to regulators, mail fraud and embezzling customer money, after he pleads guilty to the crimes later on Monday.

In approving the release last week, Magistrate Judge Jon Scoles said Wasendorf's chances to flee were limited because he had surrendered his passport and assets to authorities.

However, prosecutors on Monday objected to the plan and Chief Judge Linda Reade ruled that Wasendorf "shall remain detained pending further order of the court." It was unclear how soon a new order could come. Wasendorf is still due to appear in court in Iowa on Monday.

The public defender representing Wasendorf has declined to comment.

Prosecutors said Wasendorf should stay behind bars because there was a "serious risk" he might try to flee instead of facing the consequences of his crimes.

They cited the large amount of money Wasendorf stole and the strong evidence against him. Wasendorf claimed in a detailed suicide note that he stole more than $100 million from customers over nearly 20 years.

"Defendant's crime is nothing short of breathtaking," prosecutors said in a court filing.


Prosecutors said last week that Wasendorf had agreed to plead guilty to mail fraud, lying to federal regulators and embezzlement, and could be sentenced to up to 50 years in prison.

Wasendorf attempted suicide on July 9 near the headquarters of his Cedar Falls, Iowa, brokerage. He was arrested on July 13 and charged with 31 counts of lying to federal regulators.

The search continues for the money he stole. Former clients are still unable to access funds frozen since the firm's bankruptcy on July 10.

Prosecutors, in the court filing on Monday, said Wasendorf stole about $200 million and that there was a serious concern he could access assets that may be hidden from authorities.

"If even the smallest portion of such a vast amount of money were hidden away, it could be all (the) incentive and means that defendant might need to flee a probable life sentence," prosecutors said.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has filed a lawsuit against Wasendorf and his firm, saying the CEO misappropriated more than $200 million in customer funds over several years.


Wasendorf has cooperated with authorities working to piece together his crime and track down his assets, but prosecutors said his cooperation was "primarily designed to bolster his argument for release."

Wasendorf was set to move in with a local pastor in Iowa who has counseled him in prison.

Wasendorf has told authorities he is no longer suicidal. However, "none of what defendant says can be taken at face value" following his previous suicide attempt and two-decade fraud, prosecutors said in Monday's filing.

Wasendorf partially owns a construction company in Romania, raising some concerns he could attempt to flea overseas. He also had at least one bank account in Germany, according to prosecutors.

"Given the current state of defendant's domestic relationships and the likelihood he may die in prison, a lifetime abroad may be a relatively appealing option," they said in the court filing.

(Editing by Gerald E. McCormick, Maureen Bavdek and Andre Grenon)


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Mariah Carey: No feuding with Minaj on 'Idol' yet

NEW YORK (AP) ? Mariah Carey says there's no feud between her and fellow new "American Idol" judge Nicki Minaj at the moment.

Judges Carey, Minaj, Keith Urban and Randy Jackson and host Ryan Seacrest attended a press conference in New York on Monday after auditioning singers for the Fox music reality TV series.

Fox announced Sunday that Minaj and Urban would join Carey and Jackson as judges on "Idol" following Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler's exits in July.

Carey tried to quell rumors about her quarreling with Minaj by saying they've only been together two days and "a feud takes a little longer to happen."

All the judges burst into laughter.

Minaj says the new "Idol" judges are "getting along wonderfully."

The show's 12th season airs in January.


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Monday, September 17, 2012

Stone, Garfield use paparazzi to their advantage

By Courtney Hazlett, TODAY

Encounters with the paparazzi are a way of life for A-listers, and there are myriad ways of dealing with the intrusion -- some more effective than others. Actress Emma Stone and her actor boyfriend Andrew Garfield found a great way to deal with the ever-present photographers.

Said Elatab / Splash News

Actress Emma Stone and boyfriend actor Andrew Garfield used the paparazzi to their advantage by holding up cardboard signs to promote some charitable organizations.

Effectively turning the game on its head,?Stone and Garfield used the images they were finding themselves in to do a little charitable promotion. The signs they're holding say it all. On Stone's:?"We just found out that there were paparazzi outside the restaurant we were eating in. So ... why not take this" with an arrow pointing to Garfield, whose sign continued, "opportunity to bring attention to organizations that need and deserve it Have a great day!"

The paps get their picture and Gilda's Club New York City and Worldwide Orphans Foundation get some?attention. Stone and Garfield come out?as the most likeable celebrity couple, maybe ever. So, wins all around.

It's a good lesson for stars who tend to take a more aggressive approach to having their privacy invaded. The?Alec Baldwin method, for example, generally involves yelling, and can feature some mild shoving, too. Effective? Not Very. The paps still get their photos, and Baldwin gets another rant (however understandable) captured on camera.

Rocker Marilyn Manson tried a creative approach to dissuade shooters by scrawling a message across his face in grease pencil, hoping to make the pap's photos unsellable. Here, you can easily make out ?[Expletive] You? across his face and neck.

In case you were a passenger at LAX that day, please know the missive wasn't meant for you; Manson tweeted?that it was squarely aimed at the paparazzi. Effective? Not at all. Instead of making the photos unsellable, they are totally sellable! Even for a face as distinct as Manson's often is, the mean message took the images to a new level.

The tried and true method of flipping the bird or?pulling some piece of clothing over your face proves equally ineffective. Miley Cyrus tweeted images of her new hairdo for the world to see, but?when the paps tried for their own shot,?all she did was make it look like her 'do was a don't.

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Spiritual Health, Secret Of Instant Self Healing Meditation

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    Not Your Mother's Meditation

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    Submitted By: CBS
    Tags: Cbsepisode Dr. Jon Lapook Josh Korda Noah Levine Dharma Punx Buddhism Punk Rock Meditation Health/CBS Doc Dot Com
    Categories: Entertainment

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    Relaxing Waterfall - 8 Hours - For Meditation Calm Peace Serenity. Thailand, Pembok Falls, Pai

    Download for 5$ . If there is any specific nature sound that you would like to hear, please let me know and I'll try my best to make a long video featuring this sound/atmosphere. Download MP3 for .95 here: love and light michel
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    Tags: 8hours Waterfalls 01 Rivers Streams Water Relaxation Sleep Chill Long Hours Eight Health Calm Peace Peacefull Meditation Yogayak Jungle Rainforest Rainy Season Yoga Thai Chi Relax Nature Healing Sound Thailand Pai Natural
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    Yoga, Meditation, Padmasana, Body Fitness, Kundalini Yoga

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    Padmasana is described as the basic posture. In Kundalini Yoga, another path for Self-Realization, this posture is of much importance during the process of the awakening of Kundalini, the latent mystic power supposed to be located in the Muladhara (one of the six mystic centres situated in the spine).
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    mind movie for activation of ascension life program ,daily watching these images will imprint upon conscious and subconscious mind your desire to ascend and will attract all that is necessary for your progress towards this end.
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    Tags: Beyonce Halo Meditation Miracles 2012 Higherself Wealth Mindmovie Ascens?o Medita??o ??????????? ??????????? ?? Beklimming Besteigung ??????? Ascensione Meditazione ???????? Love Wisdom Gayatri Health Light Truth 2009 Earth Plan
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    Inner Body Meditation

    Inner Body Meditation

    relaxation and guided meditation based on the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, with collected pictures... Watch it with open eyes the first time because the slideshow is awesome...:)
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    Global Karma Removal Day Meditation on June 1, 2008

    Global Karma Removal Day Meditation on June 1, 2008

    Jacqui Johnson; Goddess of Divinity, Inc., and Humanity Healing invite you to share your world service gifts of Light and Love in honor of Global Karma Removal Day, June 1. 2008. We will be meditating, chanting, and praying. We are blessed and honored to welcome Cathy Blair, a vibrational sound and water grid Master. She will be playing her golden liquid love light infused crystal bowls through the hour. What a most glorious experience this will be! Cathy Blair 's email is [email?protected] The teleconference call will begin @ 5pm EST; 2 pm PDT. The Dial-in Number is (712) 432-1699 Access Code: 281162# There is no cost to participate. You may share a love offering of .00 or more. Humanity Healing has been working to raise awareness for the International Burmese Monks Association through their website and networking sites and funds for the Relief Effort through Avaaz. The monks are the fastest way to bypass the military junta and get aid directly to the people. So far, over meditation+health,000,000 USD have been raised! The International Burmese Monks Organization will send money directly to each monastery through their own networks, bypassing regime controls. For those of you moved to contribute, thank you for your compassion, love and light. Click below if you choose to assist the people of Myanmar: An Event organized by: and
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    Chanting of this prayer helps in calming body and mind. It is good to start the Yoga session with this prayer.
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